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Ipal2 Help Center

Got a Question? Here’s An Answer!

I am getting a white page with a spinning circle?

This is probably something to do with the caching on your web browser. We have found that if you are using a computer press and hold the shift key and press F5 nearly always fixes it. If you are using a mobile device then closing the browser and starting again can help. the developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.

I am having trouble logging on.

All parents accounts and passwords have been transferred over from the old system. If you cannot log on using these details you should request a password reset. When you do this the username field changes to a OTP (One Time Passcode) field. Check your emails and get this code from there. You must use this code within 10 minutes or it will expire. If you have used the forgot password link a few times you may have multiple passcodes in your mailbox. Please make sure you are using the most recent one. If none of this works then you can get in touch with us and we will change your password manually.

The calendar for booking days is blank?

This was a problem with mac and iphone devices which we are told is now fixed. Please check that you have gone into the menu section and selected "book now" and you are not looking at the calendar on your dashboard.

I have gone into Book Now menu but I cant bring up any sessions on the selection screen?

Please check your childs record to make sure that their DOB is correct and you have not made them accidentally too young to attend or too old. Also check that you have selected the correct child's school. If this does not resolve the problem please complete the form below.

I can't see the session options I want to choose for my child in the booking section the text is all bunched up on my phone?

The developers are still working on the mobile phone version of the site. Although it is still useable they recommend using a computer or laptop to make your booking at this time. If you do not have access to this then please use your phone in landscape mode, this will hopefully help with seeing the sessions more clearly.

When I try to make payment it wont let me and displays a 360 payment method?

This is an error and needs to be reported to us. This occurred with one parent and was immediately fixed but if it happens to you we need to know.

I'm having trouble finding the menu to get to what I want in ipal on my phone.

While you are on the page swipe right to bring up the menu.

It says I have an outstanding amount and I can't make a booking.

You need to log on and go to the menu option "My Bookings" there you will see any invoices or bookings that are outstanding. They will have a pay now button next to the entry. These need to be paid with funds from your wallet either voucher or cash credit.

If any of these answers have not resolved your problem please complete the online form below. We will get back to you soon.

If there does not appear to be a fix we will make your booking for you. This will be by a separate online form we will send to you after reviewing the problem you have sent us.

Online Fault Reporting Form.

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